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Value-add. Easy to say, but hard to practice. From more than 30 years in IT-distribution we have learned what it takes to be a "true" value-added distributor.

Ease of doing business ...

Our job as a distributor is to make it easy and attractive for our resellers to promote and sell products and solutions from the vendors we represent.

Nordic IT-distribution with a strong local presence

Based in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland SEC DATACOM is the leading value-add IT-distributor in the Nordic region. With a Single Point of Contact our vendors can benefit from our long term relations to a wide range of local resellers

Short facts
Our portfolio

We have a strong partnership with a wide range of leading IT-vendors within our main business areas:

  • Network
  • IT-security
  • Unified Communications
  • Server/Storage
  • IoT and M2M (machine to machine)


Strong position

The many years in the market have given us unique knowledge about IT-distribution and close relationships to the vendors we represent and our many resellers. Our healthy economy also allows us to continuously invest in more competencies and services to make a difference for our stakeholders.

  • 30 year in IT-distribution
  • More than 800 buying resellers
  • Turnover of EUR +150 million
  • More than 75 employees
  • Represented in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden

Become a reseller

Become a SEC DATACOM reseller and access a wide range of leading IT manufacturers. As a reseller you will always have a support team that will help you to create profitable business. You will get technical and commercial help with pre-sale, logistics, installation and support throughout your sales process.


Board af directors
Lars Zinglersen
Chairman of the board and owner of SEC DATACOM
Telefon: +45 4810 8081
Lasse Skovgaard
Group CCO
Telefon: +45 4810 8023
Troels Brock
Telefon: +45 4810 8022
Peter Fahoum
Group CFO
Telefon: +45 4810 8056
Errit Müller
Senior VP, IT-Security
Telefon: +45 4810 8021